Pascual Delgado

Proto-Barbarian Poet, /cual, today launched an open website challenge to all revolutionary poets and artists who are sick and tired of the Post-Modernist Hegemony over all forms of literature and the visual arts, to rally to the Proto-Barbarist Movement. At a public event held high atop Montreal's Mount Royal Park, /cual and his followers shouted: “We hail the New Darkness after the Fall of EMPIRE. Long live Proto-Barbarism!!”

/cual is the nom de plume of Pascual Delgado, Montreal-based artist and poet. His poetry, written in both English and Spanish, has appeared in literary magazines such as Alcools, Different Shoes, Helios, and in the recent C.A.A. anthology Leaves from the Branch. He recites his poetry at well-known Montreal venues since 1998. You can check out some of his recent work.

If you abide by the principles of the Proto-Barbarist Manifesto, you are welcome to post your poetry, artwork or photos on this website, where they will be shown uncensored…unless you display any odious signs of Postmodernism, that is.

Elephant of Postmodernism

Proto-Barbarians attacking the Elephant of Postmodernist Hegemony

contact: Pascual Delgado:
pascual (dot) delgado (at) accesss (dot) net

Webmaster: Alan Zisman:
alan (at) zisman (dot) ca

Proto-barbarism home page