The City of Brotherly Love - Poetry by Kimberly Beth Watson

The City of Brotherly Love

You emerged from your head of Bad Dreams 

and told me they broke into the house,
you locked the doors.
They stole everything but the kettles' steam,
they hijacked your car so you couldn't escape the war,
took what was yours and
ran towards the ruin of their lives
through the Capital sanctuary of black and Gold
where you remained their prey.

You had evaded death for now and
left, for safer places, spacious places
to the coast, for a new life and new things
only to return later with a deeper tan
and a new plan to thrive and flourish
within the jacarandas.

@ Kimberly Beth Watson (2010-2012)

contact: Pascual Delgado:
pascual (dot) delgado (at) accesss (dot) net

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